donderdag 31 mei 2012

The boy with the guitar

in silence i watch

How your finger touch the strings
How the fire burns in your eyes
How you lips sing the lyrics in silence

in silence i watch

How you become one with the instrument in your hands
How the two souls become one
Do insturments have a soul?
Watching you play i believe, i know it ...

In silence i know

While you own my soul, the guitar owns yours.

In silence i see

what people mean by rock n roll will never die...
it lives on in the soul of the boy with the guitar....


Schreeuwend wakker worden uit een plaats die anders zo vredig is...

Daar waar mijn gedachten veilig zijn wacht mij nu angst...

Gehuld in de donkere sluier van de nacht, wachtend op de verlossing van licht Sluit ik mijn ogen weer en geef mij over aan de kwellingen van mijn ziel

Wetend dat enkel de warme gloed van jou liefde mij kan redden.

Nachtmerries zijn maar donkere paarden die door mijn hoofd draven

Zware hoefafdrukken achterlatend in de zware donkere nacht

Stone #1

It’s raining, i feel the cold drops roling down my stonecold body.
Following the road down to my feet, burried in the tall grass.

Little do they know that the rain softens my pain, like tears runnin down my cheeks. Great emotions falling down from the skies.

Everyday i look at my love, unable to touch him, feeling how my heart burns for one more last kiss.
Knowing this will never happen, rain falls down like tears from heaven. 

Still i wouldn’t be anyplace else but here. Next to him, together in the embrace of eternity.

For the one who holds my soul

When i lay down and think about the enlightment of the heart, it burns.
Feels like in love there's only shadow and darkness.
Wild horses running angry in my heart that is to small, to narrow.
Raging to break free.
Hurting without the feeling of freedom, drowning in lonelyness.
And still my soul believes in kisses warm like sunrise,
Sleeping in strong arms only surounded by heartbeat.
Gentle words spoken like strokes of feathers.
Letters written by shakespears hand.
And then at the purest moment, i wake up, staring at the cold white ceiling.
Feeling like there's no hope left.
At that darkest moment, when all hope is lost...
Just open once again your heart for the kiss of cupids arrow.
Only to feel the feeling of freedom again.
Never think, just run with your arm wide open in the fields of love.